Good Morning!
The weather is slowly starting to change down here. I guess its time to start bringing out the sweaters. Hopefully it doesn't last too long.
I hope you all had a good Christmas! It was fun down here. We just spent the day talking to you guys and we had a little dinner at a members home and we went out and worked! It was pretty sick.
Nothing too new, some of the baptisms fell though in the district, which was a total bummer but were shooting for January now! I was able to give a talk yesterday in church and I spoke on setting goals and plans for the new year. It was good. There weren't too many people who attended, but it was still good! On Wednesday, we get to spend the new year watching Frozen as a zone. I've heard its a really good movie, so I guess we'll see!
Love you guys! Have a killer new year!
Elder Brian